Ovens – FD/FDB
Clean, efficient direct fired gas burners can offer a cost effective solution to the heating of ovens (and dryers) involved in the production of food products ranging from breakfast cereals to peanuts.
Lanemark FDGA burners provide close control of incoming gas and combustion air flows to ensure that food processing ovens deliver consistent product quality. FD series burners incorporate modulating controls to rapidly respond to any changes in production demands such as product flow rates or process temperature changes whilst ensuring that the combustion heat output quality is maintained at all times.
Oil Fryers – TX
Snack food oil fryers can benefit from the installation of high efficiency gas heating systems installed at the ‘point of use’. Of key concern is the requirement that heat is delivered into processes in a controlled manner so that heat exchanger surface temperatures are maintained within defined limits.
Lanemark TX gas fired immersion tube burner arrangements benefit from the use of dedicated software to assist with the design of multi-pass, small diameter heat exchangers incorporating predictions for heat flux and efficiency performance to ensure the controllable delivery of heat into each fryer.
Animal Scalders – TX
Scalding is a necessary pre-treatment to assist the de-hairing of pigs and de-feathering of poultry. The process is carried out in scalding baths where precise temperature control is of vital importance.
Lanemark TX gas fired immersion tube burner systems are ideally suited to deliver these heating requirements directly at the ‘point of use’ and at maximum efficiency. ‘Point of use’ application offers distinct economic advantages over centrally generated heating alternatives – such as hot water or steam – whilst individual tank heating control systems enable Lanemark burner systems to quickly and accurately respond to specific process demand requirements.